Run for your Lungs, Jackie’s Run for Life, Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Albany GA, serving south GA and surrounding areas, working to bring awareness to the #1 killer of ALL cancers …. Lung Cancer. It kills more people every single years than breast, prostate, pancreatic, & colon cancers COMBINED! It gets a fraction of the attention and funding of these other cancers. It is our goal to help gain local support and help those in need struggling with the disease – whether by providing something needed or giving out information.
I’ve lost both of my parents to lung cancer, and after my Mom’s death in 2009, I wanted to do “something” in her memory. With the help of pretty much every family member & friend I could round up, we pulled our 1st 5K event together in 6 weeks …. and our 1st Annual RUN for your LUNGS! Jackie’s Run for Life was born & held on Nov. 5, 2011! We have had great successes each year since then! This year’s 5K event will feature all of the same things we had in 2016: digital chip timing by Event Tech out of Sylvester GA, being a Run & See Georgia Grand Prix Series event, have ULTRA as our beer sponsor for those over 21 so participants will get BBQ lunch, beverages, a great long sleeve T-shirt, and Friday afternoon & evening we’ll have Packet pickup & a Pre-Party @ Cypress Grill with Stephen Harrell singing acoustic. We hope to keep this going and growing for years to come!! Come be a part of this and raise awareness & funds for lung cancer!!
Lung Cancer needs awareness. We need low dose CT screening and research funding!
We all can make a difference!
How do WE make that difference???
We are dedicated to raising awareness and helping local lung cancer patients. We have no administrative overhead or salaries. We do not get paid! Every dollar we raise goes towards the expenses incurred for the 5K event and after those expenses are accounted for, we help real people! Since January 2014, we have given $1,000 away each month, to one different lung cancer patient..t is truly gratifying doing something good in the name of lung cancer. What we raise at this year’s event will dictate what we are able to give in 2023. Lace up your sneakers, get your water bottle ready and let’s run to make a difference! See our Grant Recipient page for photos of where the $$ has gone 🙂